New Year’s Resolution, Thank Then Think!

January 13, 2012

Around this time of year, most people begin to make a list of all the areas in their life they want to change.  We are given advice on how to make sure we fulfill our New Year’s Resolution such as: Put your goals in a visual place, get a workout partner, create a daily routine.  All of these are  wonderful tips  but for some reason many of us find ourselves at the end of each year, in the same place we were the previous year.  Why?

I believe that more people would actually fulfill their New Year’s Resolution if they spent more time focusing on what they have accomplished so far, instead of how far they still have to go.  God has truly been good to all of us during 2011.  Have you taken time to thank God for the many blessings He has given you throughout the past year?

I’m sure all of us could think of some less than perfect situations we have faced this past year but surely the good outweighs the bad.  It may take some time for you to list all the ways you enjoyed 2011 but I challenge you to take the time to do so.

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” Psalms 100:4

Once you have listed all the ways God has blessed you in 2011, now would be the time to reflect on the areas you would like to change. We must first thank GOD for his goodness and then seek to make the necessary adjustments needed to have a better New Year.

God has allowed mankind to remain on Earth for yet another year.  Who are we that God should give us another year to seek out our purpose! This time of the year is so exciting,  because people are more focused on how they can improve themselves and less on the imperfections of others.

Have you given any thought to what you want to do differently in 2012?  The Lord has allowed you to enter into a new year for a reason. Do you know why you are here?  I believe that God is not interested in the common New Year’s Resolutions that we make each year, such as:  losing weight, becoming more social, getting more organized.

However, I do believe that God can get the glory out of anything we are willing to change. For example, if we are in better health he can use us more, if we are more social we can reach more people and help bring them to Christ, and if we are better organized we can make better use of our time which in return can open the door for Him to use us even more.  But I do not believe that is why we are here for another year.

Wouldn’t you like to believe that God has a purpose for us this year that is bigger than us losing weight?  What are you supposed to accomplish this year? Go before God and ask Him what His plan is for you in 2012.  Be sure to thank Him for how he has blessed you in 2011 and then pray and ask him to reveal His plan for you in 2012.

Challenge:  Have you taken any time yet to reflect? What are you thankful for? What will you do different this year? How can you improve your marriage in 2012? Why are you here?

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